Guidelines error handling time limit of 15 minutes video

During Upload Video you may encounter a fundamental error, which is restricted to upload video more than 15 minutes due to unconfirmed channel. You can check the status of your channel can upload is a video more than 15 minutes or not at Channel tab> Status and features.

A video uploaded to YouTube alone nearly 20 minutes and denied, can not show due not confirmed
To be able to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, you have 2 options:

Method 1: Confirm the channel by clicking the Activate button shown above, use your phone number for verification.
Method 2: Participate in a certain network, you're currently involved QuizGroup, you can learn about the Network

When completed either on state we are as follows: 

From now you can upload a video longer than 15 minutes, then, do not forget to set up multiple ads on video to increase revenue for you, but before enable upload videos longer than 15 minutes you should determine is making money through Google Adsense Network or was then, I always toward people make money through Google Adsense to achieve higher income levels.

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